Brazilian poetry
Categorie: Kanon
Ismar Tirelli Neto
Adam moest de klei ongelukkig maken.
De engelen vermoedden het, een paar engelen ruzieden erover.
Jahweh trok partij voor de afleiding.
Op het zesde uur zette hij hem overeind. Sloot de bloemkwekerij.
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Categorie: Kanon
Under the sign of Madame Satan: Queer writers in Brazil – Ricardo Domeneck
When I look back at my childhood in Brazil in the early 1980s, I am often taken aback by the strange dualities in the society that surrouned me then.
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Categorie: Kanon
Contemporary Brazilian Poetry, In The Singular: Giving Voice to a Few Tongues, Silencing Hundreds (in the best Brazilian style) (3)
(Third Part of Three) By Ricardo Domeneck By 1989, when Brazilians voted for the first time after the 1964 coup d´état, the most influential among the first modernist poets, Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 – 1987), and two of the poets who had tried to heal the wounds left by the dualistic debates of the […]
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