tonnus oosterhoff

Tonnus Oosterhoff
Vissen voelen geen pijn.
Koeien zijn blij in de brandende zon.
Mensen slachten humaan.
Jou zie ik graag ongelukkig.

On the Making of a Crowded Photograph: Dutch and Flemish Poetry in the Present (2/2)
On the Making of a Crowded Photograph, Including Some People in the Background (Part 2 of 2) Postmodernism How to talk about postmodernism when the term ‘postmodern’ can be applied as easily to a Pynchon novel as to a microbrewed beer? As likely as anywhere else, the term ‘postmodernism’, when applied to Dutch poetry, is […]

On the Making of a Crowded Photograph: Dutch and Flemish Poetry in the Present (1/2)
On the Making of a Crowded Photograph, Including Some People in the Background Disclaimers As articles like these often start with a series of disclaimers, a logical place to start would be explaining the linguistic and political situation in which the Dutch language and corresponding literary systems are embedded. Dutch is spoken by more or […]

Interview met Tonnus Oosterhoff
‘Materiaal gecontroleerd maltraiteren’ Het destructieve onderzoek van Tonnus Oosterhoff Interview: Frank Keizer FK: Om te beginnen: hoe ben je ertoe gekomen asemisch te gaan schrijven? Anders dan iemand als Jaap Blonk opereer je slechts zijdelings in een avant-gardistische context, waarin het asemisch schrijven duidelijke lijn vormt, die teruggaat op onder meer de experimenten van […]