Tom Van de Voorde
Tom Van de Voorde
Het windgat In een boekje, uitgegeven door de Chinese schrijversbond en het Goethe-Institut in Beijing, valt mijn oog op een tweetalig onderschrift. De foto zelf laat een door de zon verlicht eikenblad zien in een voor de rest donker bos. Fotograaf is de Duitse dichter Dieter M. Gräf. ‘Licht’ heet de foto en aldus ook […]
On the Making of a Crowded Photograph: Dutch and Flemish Poetry in the Present (2/2)
On the Making of a Crowded Photograph, Including Some People in the Background (Part 2 of 2) Postmodernism How to talk about postmodernism when the term ‘postmodern’ can be applied as easily to a Pynchon novel as to a microbrewed beer? As likely as anywhere else, the term ‘postmodernism’, when applied to Dutch poetry, is […]
On the Making of a Crowded Photograph: Dutch and Flemish Poetry in the Present (1/2)
On the Making of a Crowded Photograph, Including Some People in the Background Disclaimers As articles like these often start with a series of disclaimers, a logical place to start would be explaining the linguistic and political situation in which the Dutch language and corresponding literary systems are embedded. Dutch is spoken by more or […]