
Onder Kanon publiceren wij vertaalde en niet-Nederlandstalige poëzie.

Contemporary Brazilian Poetry, In The Singular: Giving Voice to a Few Tongues, Silencing Hundreds (in the best Brazilian style) (3)

(Third Part of Three) By Ricardo Domeneck By 1989, when Brazilians voted for the first time after the 1964 coup d´état, the most influential among the first modernist poets, Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 – 1987), and two of the poets who had tried to heal the wounds left by the dualistic debates of the […]

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Contemporary Brazilian Poetry, In The Singular: Giving Voice to a Few Tongues, Silencing Hundreds (in the best Brazilian style) (2)

(second Part of Three) By Ricardo Domeneck One could say that Brazilian Poetry in Portuguese was born between the Sign of the Cross and songs of scorn. The Sign of the Cross was well represented by the priest and important writer Antonio Vieira, but our first great poet to write in Portuguese was Gregório de […]

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Kirill Medvedev

\\\ als het niet goed met je gaat, zak dan op een avond in het weekend in gezelschap van antifascisten af naar café moemoe in de mjasnitskajastraat en loop onder begeleiding van het kwade getoeter dat achter je rug weerklinkt de straat af richting centrum, tot je uitkomt op het prachtige lege loebjankaplein en bedenk […]

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Contemporary Brazilian Poetry, In The Singular: Giving Voice to a Few Tongues, Silencing Hundreds (in the best Brazilian style) (1)

(part one of three) By Ricardo Domeneck “We shall eat your dead father, the Maï repeated and repeated. They shall cook me in a stone pot, the Maï said. They shall eat me once again in the inside-out sky, they said.” “Song of the blossoming chestnut tree”, as sung by Kãñïpaye-ro, poet-shaman of the Araweté, […]

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Young Finnish Poetry : an approach

  By Max Oravin    For the last couple of months I’ve mainly lived in Finland. I did some performances, visited readings and events and talked to numerous poets. Slowly, week by week, an image of the contemporary poetry scene crystallized inside of me. It’s a vague image, not more than a sketch: my still […]

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Katja Perat – Drie gedichten

EN IK MAAK KUNST Men zegt dat mensen stilletjes streven naar de dood, want al het organische wil weer anorganisch worden en elke beweging streeft ernaar niet langer beweging te zijn. Dingen vallen uit elkaar, want ze wensen met rust gelaten te worden. Droevige mensen geven zich over zoals middeleeuwse steden zich overgeven. Na lange […]

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V.S. Luoma-aho

Metatron translated by Teemu Manninen Sometimes I urinate on the lens of my camera, just to take pictures of angels. Sometimes I spit on my glasses, so that the world might be filled with angels. Deep blue is the protecting archangel Michael. Pink is protecting, unconditional love. Sometimes the world’s texture is like an axe. […]

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Tristan Marquardt

blickinsassen    (1) muss das blenden sein, schlag ins gesicht, wenn ich mir überschüssiges licht aus den augen wische. brennt sich aus, verfolgt die bestückte sicht: farbe als schale über dem tisch. gruppieren sich stühle daneben, um lücken im zimmer, die immer weit ins holz verreist sind, bis jemand kommt und sie verschiebt. steht auf […]

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Max Czollek – Dealing with the present

Discussions in contemporary German poetry   I met Maarten this February for a translation weekend in preparation of the City2Cities Festival in Utrecht. Afterwards, Maarten asked me to write an article about recent discussions in contemporary German poetry for the online magazine Samplekanon. I must admit, an introduction into contemporary German poetry is something I […]

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Dorothea Lasky

Dorothea Lasky: dichter, mysticus, shapeshifter Door Joost Baars Dorothea Lasky schrijft in haar chapbook Poetry is not a project het volgende: ‘Poetry has everything to do with existing in a realm of uncertainty. (…) What diferentiates a great poet from a not-great one is the capacity to exist in that uncertain space, where the grand […]

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