
Onder Kanon publiceren wij vertaalde en niet-Nederlandstalige poëzie.

Nadia de Vries – R.I.P. Nadia de Vries

Medium Angel Are you smoking, or are you cold? Your blessings are numbered. It is your duty to not fall ill, or from grace. Funny how there is a “right” way of falling Pain means you’re doing it wrong.   Blood Poem Chandelure waits around hospital rooms for young souls to die. Chandelure is not […]

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Ricardo Domeneck – Drie gedichten

Tekst voor wie misschien de muren kan herbouwen en de citadel opnieuw bevolken Voor F.T. I. Iemand die glimlacht bij de seks en adjectieven snort is niet te beteugelen, die weet dat het machtsevenwicht achter- en vooruitgang behoeft, die zijn terugtocht uitstelt maar niet zijn gelui, de strateeg die de uitwerking van zijn gefluister niet […]

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Of Ships and Sovereignty. Speculations on European Poetry

Speculations on European Poetry By Frank Keizer & Samuel Vriezen What politics, the one that germinates from the poem, from the drives of language, from a subject that can’t be restrained and unpronounceable extends (psyche, life) to the ends of the Earth, conceives itself as one ghost among many and assembles itself in the multiple […]

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Aantekeningen bij het mienisme

Voor het symposium Fryslân en de wrâld 2.0 (Friesland en de wereld 2.0), dat in de aanloop naar de organisatie van Leeuwarden Culturele Hoofdstad 2018 de culturele, politieke en sociale positie van Friesland in de wereld onderzoekt, schreef de jonge Friese dichter Meindert Reitsma (1994) een essay over de positie van de Friese literatuur. In […]

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Field Notes: New Developments in Slovakian Poetry

Babelsprech International is a series created through the cooperation of Babelsprech and Hilda Magazine, in partnership with the American online magazine Full Stop, the platform faustkultur, as well as Samplekanon. The series was initiated by Babelsprech, a two-year-old project striving to connect the German, Swiss, and Austrian poetry scenes, in order to move these respective scenes and their histories […]

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On the Making of a Crowded Photograph: Dutch and Flemish Poetry in the Present (2/2)

On the Making of a Crowded Photograph, Including Some People in the Background (Part 2 of 2) Postmodernism How to talk about postmodernism when the term ‘postmodern’ can be applied as easily to a Pynchon novel as to a microbrewed beer? As likely as anywhere else, the term ‘postmodernism’, when applied to Dutch poetry, is […]

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On the Making of a Crowded Photograph: Dutch and Flemish Poetry in the Present (1/2)

On the Making of a Crowded Photograph, Including Some People in the Background Disclaimers As articles like these often start with a series of disclaimers, a logical place to start would be explaining the linguistic and political situation in which the Dutch language and corresponding literary systems are embedded. Dutch is spoken by more or […]

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Morani Kornberg-Weiss – Beste Darwish

Beste Mahmoud Darwish,               Ik wil gedichten schrijven over Israël en Palestina maar ik weet me geen raad. Welke taal kan ik gebruiken?               Jack Spicer schreef brieven aan wijlen Federico Garcia Lorca en legde uit dat hun correspondentie hen in staat zou stellen hun retoriek “uit te putten” zodat ze niet zou opduiken in […]

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Poetry by Xu Lizhi, poet and Foxconn-worker

Xu Lizhi (许立志) was a poet who worked at Foxconn in Zhenzhen, China, under terrible conditions. On Sepember 30, only 24 years old, he took his own life. An in memoriam, along with English translation of some of his poems, was published here. In accordance with the original source of these publications, we repost two […]

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Capital "I"

  Actual Person, Deanna Havas By Harry Burke Babelsprech International is a series created through the cooperation of Babelsprech and Hilda Magazine, in partnership with the American online magazine Full Stop, as well as Samplekanon. The series was initiated by Babelsprech, a two-year-old project striving to connect the German, Swiss, and Austrian poetry scenes, in order to move these […]

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